Big Steps: How to Optimise your content for LinkedIn

by Ren Slavin October 09, 2023
A person using the social media app LinkedIn on their phone

LinkedIn is an ever-popular platform which allows users to connect with a network relating to their business sector. But did you know there are so many ways to optimise your LinkedIn content to reach more audiences and improve your engagement? Take a read below to see how you can improve how you post on LinkedIn for tangible results.

Your audience

Having shareable and engageable content starts with your audience. It’s essential to make your community feel engaged and seen; reinforcing your authenticity as a content creator for your business is also important. 

Using tools on LinkedIn such as polls and other engagement tactics enables you to build a strong connection with your audience. You can then retrospectively review your analytical data to see which posts perform better and continue using those formats.

Think outside the corporate box

There’s a common misconception that LinkedIn is a very formal platform. However, a lot of content creators are trying to break the fourth wall by posting more relatable content in an informal tone that speaks to their audience.  

A good way to reinforce this is through the use of memes and personal content that your audience can resonate with. This then eliminates the stiff feeling of work-related posts and brings enough fun elements which an audience can get on board with.

Content pillars

You need to ensure that your audience knows what your brand is all about and one of the best ways to reinforce this is through consistency. To make sure that your content is consistent use up to four content pillars in your posts.

“What is a content pillar?!” I hear you cry. In the context of digital marketing content Pillars are a theme or topic that your brand can utilise to create posts. This can be anything ranging from promotional things to educational content to inform your followers about your product or your brand; even down to community posts which help your network feel included. 

Promote interactions

It’s crucial never to ignore any brand interactions that you may have on LinkedIn. Someone has taken the time of their day to engage with your content so be sure to reward these interactions with replies and acknowledgement even if this is just you reacting to their post.

So there you have a few easily enforceable tips to help you optimise your content for LinkedIn. As always if you do have any questions then make sure you give us a shout by contacting us –  just click here.

The Marketing 101 Podcast

We previously covered the topic of beating the LinkedIn algorithms on our podcast. We’ve linked it below so you can listen and further boost your LinkedIn strategy.

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